09月02日(火) 23時38分30秒 de-hi lucky 7[前のページ] [次のページ]
あれ あれ~やったー!って昨日、アクセス カウンタが 7で並びました~~
画面がNicoleのupになって ダメよ~ ダメ ダメ とか言い出したら
どーしよー と思ったけど 何もありませんでした。 ^^ 残念・・・
(ダメよ~ は日本のcomedyです。)
coleも 皆様も たくさんの幸運に導(ミチビ)かれます様、願ってます・・・
It leads happily. amen 笑 ^^
ところで NicoleのかわいいBodyguard、nj兄弟はそろそろ 5678 stop!
posing exercise かな?笑 ^^ がんばってネ ^^ では see U
09月02日(火) 15時45分38秒 KAN(♡메구미˙︶˙♡) 🍣
09月01日(月) 19時04分20秒 まさ ニコル~~~(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
09月01日(月) 16時14分51秒 あさ☆ 四回目
ニコルに会いたいよ~( ;∀;)
08月31日(日) 23時55分12秒 Nicolian_and_Jiyoungista Our New Partner Dog Report (5/5)
Well, two months pass from this day, and we are having not new visiting to any other kennel.
Yes, we are waiting for new baby of him.
We decided to Icarus Jr.!
I heard from the owner that if things go well, his new baby may be born on the end of August. But, a little unfortunately we have not yet got the news about their birth.
Nicole-san, when we got the big news, I intend to send you my report again. Please look forward to it... (^-^)
Oh, yes! There is one more news of birth that we are looking forward to...
Of course, that is news of the birth of brand-new Nicole! (^^)kk
You can do it, Nicole-san! We believe in you!!!
Thank you for reading this all the way through for us.
See ya, Nicole-san!!! (^-^)
PS. Please show us your Chino-san, Duke-san and Jasper-san's photo again if you like. We are looking forward to it∼∼∼(^^)
(*I am sorry if my poor English I mistaken...^^;)
08月31日(日) 23時54分09秒 Nicolian_and_Jiyoungista Our New Partner Dog Report (4/5)
A little while, and young Bernese were calmed down at last... (^^;) And one adult Bernese came snuggle up to me suddenly when I was enjoying the conversation with the owner for a while. And so sat down on my instep without flinching slowly and calmly...
His name is Icarus. He is male dog of 4 years old and came to this kennel from Belgium in January. His gentle eyes were quite impressive... (^-^)
His weight is about 50 kilograms. Naturally, my right foot was pinned under his buttock. hahaha! Though it had a pain slightly, it is comfortable feeling. Nicole-san, you can understand this feeling, can't you? (^^;kkk
And he was staring at me with an expression of relief all the while, and did nothing and just snuggled up to me... Of course as sticking out big tongue... he, he, he, he,... So we stopped a conversation and were watching scenery for a while...
The casual moment whom he gave me, blessed me with nature-rich scenery and twitters of birds.... and time went by slowly here....
Nicole-san, so strangely, I did feel in this moment... my mind got purified gradually... yes, I'm sure I did feel so...
At the last of this visitation, we had met a puppy too! Sooo cuuuute!!!! (*^^*)
We were able to have a wonderful time on this day. I will upload to my Instagram some photo of this day. Please visit to look if you like!
→ http://instagram.com/nicolian_and_jiyoungista
08月31日(日) 23時52分42秒 Nicolian_and_Jiyoungista Our New Partner Dog Report (3/5)
Of course I too had fun playing with them. But though I am used to dogs, to be frank, to play simultaneously with three young Bernese was hard...(^^;)kkk
By the way, Nicole-san, I think about this now.... Nicole-san is bringing up alone two young Australian Shepherd day by day, isn't it? It's very tough, isn't it??? Ah, I see.... I understood the reason why you entrusted Shirley-san with the care of Chino-san for a little while...
Nicole-san, when you decided it, this very hard decision was very painful for you, weren't you?
Nicole-san, please don't worry... I understood it and support your decision. And certainly, I think it's a wise choice for Mocha-san and Chino-san too.
Please take care of yourself and don't overdo it. Yes, take it easy∼∼∼(^-^)
And Mocha-san, Chino-san, I hope that you wait patiently for the growth of Duke-san and Jasper-san... You are okay because there is tender Shirley-mom, aren't you?
(Oops, but please take no notice of my this nonsensical message if I have misunderstood about your actual situation! (^^)kkk)
Well, okay, let's get back to the main topic! hahaha! (^-^;)
08月31日(日) 23時51分37秒 Nicolian_and_Jiyoungista Our New Partner Dog Report (2/5)
On the day of this visitation, the owner and wife, two adult Bernese and three young Bernese welcomed us as soon as we arrived because we contacted the owner many times on the way to it. The owner and wife are very tender person. (About 20 Bernese including them are registered in this kennel.)
Two adult Bernese which welcomed us was very calm and very affable.^^ And we were moved very much for their generosity that accepted us naturally in spite of our first meeting. The owner's wife taught us that the character of the Bernese Mountain Dog is like this generally.
In contrast with it, three young Bernese were very active and mischievous kids! It was now five months as yet since they were born in this kennel. But very big and very powerful like a storm!!!
My family were playing with young Bernese while getting the explanation from owner about the policy of breeding, because young Bernese were excited.
Meanwhile, a tiny accident happened. When a young Bernese tried to take my daughter's shirt in his mouth, he bit her thigh by mistake. So she could not stop crying with pain. And then he was surprised at her loud voice and looked very sad. She understood the situation immediately and soothed him.
She said; okay...okay... I'm so sorry I frightened you. hehe...
This is something that cannot be helped, isn't it? Because they are children yet and can't understand adjusting their own power. ^^;
The owner taught us with a laugh that maybe two years will give them adult calm character. ^^;
08月31日(日) 23時49分10秒 Nicolian_and_Jiyoungista Our New Partner Dog Report (1/5)
Hi Nicole-san! How are you doing?
I understand that you are very busy with various preparations now. Please take care of your health and I am wishing you the best...
I am terribly sorry that my English is clumsy as always but I tried writing this message again after a long absence. Um? too long? I hope it won't inconvenience you. Hahaha!
Well, today is.... Let me report about the present progress of the research(?) activity of our new partner dog.
As I already declared in my last message to you, we've visited a expert bleeder's kennel at the end of June. The dog species is the Bernese Mountain Dog(hereinafter I call them Bernese.^^).
As you know, we could not yet decide a dog species at that time, and this was the first bleeder that I could make a appointment for our visiting.
(Incidentally, Japanese are having a pet boom now. But we collected various information about dog breeder beforehand and chose some bleederies very carefully. The reason of that is there are many dog breederies who thinks of nothing but making money in Japan unfortunately. And they force to consecutive pregnancy and childbirth and don't care the health of mother dogs and puppies... This is one of the regrettable social issue of Japan... TT)
This bleeder's kennel is in mountains, and a place full of nature in Kyoto. So it takes about three hours to drive on highway for the kennel from our home in Nagoya. But it didn't bother us at all, because we could not help looking forward to going to meet them. haha!^-^
08月31日(日) 17時29分32秒 KAN(♡메구미˙︶˙♡) 🍣
니콜 안녕하세요☺♥
8월마지막 날이네요☀✨
시간이 흐르는 것이 정말 빨라요
니콜을 만날 날이 다가오고 있으면 좋겠다…♥
ニコルちゃんに あえるひが たのしみです✨
오늘도 좋아합니다♥♥
ニコルちゃん だいすきです*
08月28日(木) 21時57分40秒 おかー 焦らずに
08月28日(木) 21時53分53秒 おかー 焦らずに
08月27日(水) 10時37分13秒 KAN(♡메구미˙︶˙♡) 🍣
ニコルちゃん こんにちは☺♥
일본은 선선해 졌습니다✨한국도요?^^
환절기에 몸 망가뜨리기 쉬우므로조심하세요😣✨
またAlways smileに きてね♥
오늘도 정말 좋아해요*
08月25日(月) 20時41分42秒 yun@NIC♡LE! ALS의 활동 수고하셨습니다!
ALS의 활동 수고하셨습니다!
건강한 당신의 모습을 볼 수도 때문에 좋았습니다 TT
08月25日(月) 16時13分10秒 ミトゥー Mitsugu Uchida Ice bucket challenge!
친구를 지명 해 주셔서 감사합니다! 나도 니콜를 지명 한 거예요!ㅋㅋㅋ
08月25日(月) 00時03分25秒 yuki LOVe'
08月24日(日) 14時19分45秒 seungiyeon ニコルがんばって!
08月23日(土) 10時22分20秒 あさ☆ 四回目
08月22日(金) 22時28分19秒 マコシミ DSP新社屋
08月22日(金) 20時48分02秒 かなっコル 元気にしてますか?